Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So, after returning from my brief hiatus of blog-posting, I decided it would be best to return to my original list of topics before I explore further my interests. This post is about the most amazing, sincere, awkward people I know: missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints! Some of these missionaries are my best friends (this speaks well of them and poorly of me), and I've come to know them on a very personal level. One thing that I think a lot of people forget is that missionaries are still human, they still have feelings like everyone else. And like everyone else, those feelings can be hurt. It's the art of concealing emotion that is key in their line of work, and this is one of their note-worthy accomplishments.

But my favorite thing about missionaries? The reason I always get excited to see them? They have given up their entire lives to dedicate their time to the Lord. This shows incredible bravery, strength, wisdom, and determination to me. While they sometimes get discouraged, I know that deep down, they know they are some of the luckiest people on Earth! To have every minute of every day to give up to God must be an amazingly fulfilling experience, one that I find myself often being (shhh) jealous of.

Think it sounds awesome? Well, I do, too. However, I'm sure there are many people like me who just missed their opportunity. Don't be discouraged, because we have many opportunities to be missionaries! Many of these are in every day life. We have chances every day to share the Gospel with those around us, it's just a matter of taking advantage of these opportunities and seeing them in the hustle and bustle of life. Look for your 'missionary moments' this week, and I'd love to read about yours in responses to this post. (:

Some awesome missionaries with an egg.
Pretty ladies!!! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Molly Sue (AKA-- Why People are so Darn Mean)

This blog post is supposed to be about my beautiful baby girl Molly (she's a dog), but it's not going to be, because I'm very angry right now and I need to get some things out in the open!

So, I don't know what it is about people these days, but everybody feels the need to constantly criticize and bring everyone around them down. This could be caused by several things. Maybe their father left them as a child, maybe they're gay and hate themselves for it, maybe they were sexually assaulted at a young age, or maybe they're just plain mean. But whatever the reason, it all leads to one key result: self-loathing. So many people HATE themselves so much these days. I believe that the cause of this is our generation's "anything goes" mentality. We live in a society where anything and everything is acceptable, which can be quite confusing to a young child. With no clear definition of right or wrong, good or bad, black or white, today's children grow up feeling lost and insecure about who they really are. Not only are they devoid of moral standing, but of personality, talent, and heck, even the ability to love. I honestly can say that when I'm a parent, I hope I'm brave enough to step up to the plate and not worry about being politically correct, or who at the book club I've offended by my political outlook. I just hope that I can be brave enough to stand up for what I believe in and instill good values and honesty in my children.

When young people are suffering an identity crisis, they will try everything available to make them feel normal, whether its drugs, sex, alcohol, bullying, or being just plain mean. When all of these things fail to suffice their ravenous hunger to be accepted, when no matter what they do it seems like they are never satisfied and happy...? This is when depression sets in. After they're depressed for a while, anger and jealousy of those who are happy rises. It's not the nature of the human heart to feel hatred and loathing, so when we begin to feel this way, our defense mechanisms are triggered. And I believe without doubt that this is where harsh, unrealistic criticism and persistent negativity come from.

I've been a victim of mean people many times, as I'm sure almost everyone has. However, I'm also brave enough to admit in public forum that I've also been the person doing the hating. But the reason I'm so angry, the reason I'm writing this today is because I've encountered a few people who are so badly hurt and so messed up on an extremely deep level that they cant recognize that although I've made mistakes, what I'm doing now in my life is the best thing I've ever done. I'm the happiest I've ever been. The reason for that? Because I stopped caring about what is acceptable is society, and starting seeing that all that matters is what YOU, personally, believe. All that matters is that you know yourself, regardless of what has happened to you in the past. So, my message to you, reader, is that even if you've been hurt in a way that is so painful that you're scared to even talk about it, or even if you're just having a bad day... Don't let that hatred take over. Instead of bringing somebody down and potentially being the last straw in a very, very large haystack that's been ready to collapse for years, be the positive influence in somebody's life that saves them. I promise you won't regret it.

(P.S.-- Molly is the best dog ever!)